One of my favorite hobbies and ways to relax is reading. I love sitting down and getting lost in a good book. From mysteries and romance to chick-lit and biographies, there isn’t much I don’t enjoy. In the summer, I tend to gravitate to more lighthearted beach reads, and like many of you, I’ve had extra time at home the past few months to devote to reading. Today, I’m sharing the top five books I’ve read recently. The Overdue Life of Amy Byler This is the first book I’ve read by Kelly Harms, and it did not disappoint. The Overdue Life of Amy Byler was funny, lighthearted and the perfect read to kick off summer. It’s about a single mom and...
When quarantine first began, my family was desperate to get outside in an area that wasn’t our backyard but still follow social distancing rules. This desperation led us to our downtown adventure. We learned that there is so much to explore, so many cool things to see and learn about near the River Center area and LSU campus in Baton Rouge. Since then, we've been a hand full more times and always can't wait to go back. Each time we go, it isn't crowded and it is all free! I highly recommend this as a family outing. PREPPING THE ADVENTURE What to bring? I have young children and a baby. So, I pack up our bikes, helmets, and a stroller. I also...
Disclosure :: Studyville sponsored this post. Why All Baton Rouge Parents Should Know About Studyville COVID 19 upended the world as we know it for all of us, especially for teens. Students suddenly found themselves isolated from their peers. Classrooms in the very best of situations were reduced to online programming, and parents were at a loss as to how to help their students with advanced math classes in the absence of an in-person teacher. Months of learning were lost. Now as we bravely send our students back to school, students will need academic support more than ever. Enter Studyville. A revolutionary teen work space, Studyville will be located in Perkins Rowe to help guide Baton Rouge students through the fluidity and uncertainty...
It goes without saying- being a mom is hard. Being a working mom is hard. Being a stay-at-home mom is hard. Being a mom who works from home is hard. There is no debating any of this. Some women are born to have careers. It’s practically in their blood to rock high heels and a suit on a daily basis. Other women are made to be homemakers. They live and breathe taking care of their families and homes. In my opinion, both types of moms are heroes. As for me, I fall somewhere in the middle, which is why I’m a working mom even though I wish I weren’t. It’s not that I don’t like working. In fact, just the...
Have you ever been that person who was never popular? In school, I always got along with mostly everyone, but I was never in the popular clique. I never looked the part or played the part. And as a mom, I still don’t. I’ve always had a big heart that wanted to make everyone feel included and welcome. It's always been my goal to be liked by the people I come in contact with. It’s who I am, and I get my feelings hurt when someone doesn’t like me. But as I’ve grown older, I’ve tried to accept that there are some people that just won't like me and I have to be ok with that. No matter how old...

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Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

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