Disclosure: our partners at Charlie Banana sponsored this post. Cloth Diapering :: Saving My Baby’s Bottom Shortly after the birth of our second child, my husband did what any good husband would do - he made a diaper run...on Christmas Eve. What he came home with wasn't the exact brand I had chosen to use for her but we were out of diapers and it was the only brand that store had in her size. I needed to put her in something, even if it wasn't my first choice. It didn't turn out so well. What’s a mom to do? Within two diaper changes, she developed a terrible rash and blisters on her cute little bottom. I knew the chances of her having...
The day we shut down Chick-fil-A. It’s a day that is permanently singed into my brain. Okay, it was only the play place, but that might as well be all of Chick-fil-A, amiright? The Fateful Day So this fateful day we had traveled to Mom Mecca and I even scored the rare front row seats! (For you newbs, that’s a booth right next to the glass, so those eagle eyes of mine can remind my child that I’m *always watching*!) I’m not a big fan of sending my kids into a play place unattended (personal choice, stand down all you keyboard vigilantes). However, today we were waiting for Dad, Nan, & Pops for a special dinner, and kid 1 & kid...
I've breastfed three kids in my life so far. And with each kid, I learn a little more. As friends join me in this motherhood club, I'm occasionally asked for nursing advice. Most of the time I can keep it on topic, but sometimes I go off on a tangent of things I wish I would have known the first time. So here's a short list of my unsolicited breastfeeding advice ... Blue Powerade I’m not really sure there’s any science here, but this little bit of advice pops up on every breast feeding mommy group around! Maybe it’s just that blue Powerade is the best flavor out there. Or maybe because it’s easier to guzzle than water can be at...
Disclosure: This post is part our series in observance of World Breastfeeding Week and is sponsored by Woman’s Hospital.  Best Foods for Breastfeeding Many breastfeeding moms worry about the foods they eat, thinking they have to eat a perfect diet in order for their baby to get perfect breast milk. This often leads to unnecessary stress as they try to juggle eating the right foods while tending to a newborn. But it’s important to remember that the body is an amazing machine and will always work to make the perfect food for baby. While food and water intake can affect milk production, the need for a healthy diet is more for mom’s benefit. Eating a balanced diet will help give mom the...
Disclosure: This post is part our series in observance of World Breastfeeding Week and is sponsored by Woman’s Hospital.  Six Lessons Breastfeeding Taught Me About Parenthood The moment that I began to try to breastfeed, lessons of what parenthood was going to be like started flooding in. There were disappointments, victories, and everything in between. These themes that apply to both breastfeeding and parenting have presented themselves over and over again: 1. You cannot control everything so be flexible. This one is big. I never really even considered NOT breastfeeding. The health benefits were my biggest reason but I also wanted the closeness with our baby that came with breastfeeding. On top of it all, it just made sense financially. My husband and I...

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