My reactions to milestones are so different between my first child and my last. I love them both so much. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I do. Jack, my oldest, and Jacob, my youngest, are my little precious blessings.  With my first, every time Jack did anything, I was so excited and amazed!! My heart would skip beats. I would take dozens of photos that I would put in one of his three baby books, which I handmade. I was a new mom and completely inexperienced. Every day was full of amazement and joy. I was/am full of joy watching him grow from a baby to a little boy. Jack was a fun baby and...
Curious how to freshen up your skin routine? We suggest you try slugging. Looking for a faster way to fix your hair? Try the lazy mom’s guide to hair. Wondering if there’s a better way to cook bacon? Try this mom hack for cooking the best bacon ever and thank us later. What’s motherhood without perfecting your bacon, are we right? Maybe you want to create your own workout space at home. We even have you covered there! Being a parent is already overwhelming, but adding in the stress of childcare is a whole other topic. Sharing how you are what your childcare is. You are what your childcare is. Childcare is a critical, thankless piece of infrastructure in any parent’s life....
We have all said it, time FLIES, and something about having kids makes time move 1,000 times faster. Before we know it, our kids are looking at high schools then colleges. As a first-time senior parent, I truly believe nothing prepares you for this. There are a lot more questions than I have answers but things that have helped us is knowing that we have done what we can do to prepare our son for the real world. My son will graduate in May from HIGH SCHOOL ... I will have raised a whole human who can vote and go to college all out on his own. For me, "success" in this area is independence. What can my son do...
As this year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to say how much we truly value, appreciate and respect each and every one of you. We also wanted to share the 10 most popular blog posts of 2022, determined by page views. They are stories of faith, humor, loss, marriage, motherhood and so much more. We hope you enjoy re-visiting them as much as we did. Top 10 Posts of 2022 1. Cheer is More Than Big Bows and Glitter A few summers ago, after her relentless begging, I gave her a choice: she could do cheer, but had to quit dance and tumbling. She couldn’t do everything, I told her. “Ok!” she said. She was all in. Read...
Our guides to Baton Rouge cover a wide range of interests, needs, and situations. One of our most popular posts is our tips for visiting Baton Rouge with kids. We make navigating the greater Baton Rouge area as easy as possible! Whether you are looking for where kids eat free in Baton Rouge or need to plan a birthday party, Red Stick Mom has you covered. If you are looking for a round up of Louisiana Themed Children's Books, check out some of our favorites. Louisiana Themed Children's Books Whether you were born and raised in the Red Stick or are a more recent transplant, you can't deny that the food and culture of south Louisiana are something special. I love reading...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...