As the river started to run through the middle of the table at a local restaurant, onlookers started to whisper and stare at the two idiots who thought it was a great idea to go out for a peaceful dinner with their cranky baby and clumsy toddler. This was the moment when I remembered my secret weapon. Dashing to the minivan, I snagged my treasure from a play date earlier that day. My incredibly considerate friend, Megan, made a Busy Bag for her little love and an extra for my little dude. I surely can’t promise it will solve all of your in-public-with-your-toddler issues or resolve any rivers from forming in the middle of your dinner table; however, the Busy...
Sadly, not everyone has the funds to get a sitter often, even on Valentine's Day, and usually less people have the opportunity to call family members to come babysit while you and your spouse venture out into a night on the town.  But that doesn't mean that you can't celebrate with your love! Valentine's Day snuck up on Joel and I last year, and instead of getting down about not getting a babysitter and planning some romantic adventure, we just went with it.  So this got me thinking that many of you probably don't have any grand plans for the big heart day either (but if you do, then yay! ) - but for those of you who don't, let's...
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, and for those of us who don't have our valentines bought just yet, I hope that this printable will help get you excited--and even make it easier on you! This year is the first year that Judah is in a full-time daycare, so I'm excited to have so many valentines for him to pass out to his friends.  As a boy mom, I couldn't resist creating my own spin on the popular "love bug" idea and arming him with a bag full of gummy worms to distribute.  But I also was sure to supply a page in there for you girl moms and your ladybugs who want to jump on the love bug train...

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This post is part of our special, Red Stick Moms Blog CONNECTS series, where we focus on connecting with our kids, family and friends, and community during the holiday season. One of my family values is "neighbors not strangers." What does that mean and how does that look? Like this... Often times you see your neighbors and give them the friendly wave or nod and smile. Why not make it really awkward and walk up to them and actually say, "Hello!" Not as easy as it sounds... believe me. I mean, I'm no Betty Crocker in the kitchen which narrows the chance of me taking them a shady, tin-covered, casserole dish with random directions. However, I do enjoy crafting and all things...
I love the holidays for many reasons, and getting a chance to host family and friends is definitely high on that list.  Now, while my cooking may not be up to the normal standards of a typical host, I can whip up a few print items that make celebrating a holiday just a little more festive and personal for all involved. I’m no stranger to designing and printing out lots of things that will only get thrown away in a matter of hours, but that’s not the point.  I absolutely love seeing people’s reactions when they realize something is personalized or made just for them. So this year for Thanksgiving, while it may not be my turn to cook the turkey,...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...