My best friend Katelyn and I have been discussing Twilight for a couple months now.
Twilight was THE teenage romance series, while we were in middle school and high school. It is also a perfect example of emotional abuse, which, by the way, sets a great stage for physical abuse. Wind Goodfriend Ph.D. does a great job of naming a few of the thousands of examples of abuse Edward displays:
He stalks Bella
He encourages Bella to have as little interaction as possible from anyone outside his family
He preys on her low self esteem
He damages her vehicle so she can’t get away
Before you go on assuming he was doing this to protect Bella, I just want to point...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by EBR Schools.
Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten: EBR Schools’ Pre-K Programs Set the Stage for Success
Preschool, Pre-K, early childhood education -- whatever you may call it, it's impacts are undeniable. It’s never too early for your child's education to begin at EBR Schools. Since Pre-K is optional, we know Kindergarten is the first educational milestone many families look forward to, but studies show that children thrive in school when enrolled in high-quality early childhood education programs. From encouraging fundamental growth and success in the future to sparking creativity, discover how a jump start in education can offer unlimited benefits for your child:
Builds a Strong Learning Foundation
It’s vital that parents and...
Are you a parent with a child entering kindergarten this coming school year? Maybe you're stuck in the midst of school applications and assessments? Here is a helpful list of things your child should know for kindergarten success.
Can state their first and last name when asked.
Use appropriate grip when using pencils, crayons, and scissors.
Count to at least 30 and can identify what number comes before or after a given number to 20.
Can transition from play to another subject without frustration.
Knows basic colors.
Handles their own business by throwing their trash away, putting bags away, etc. without prompting.
Can identify their own name. Know all the letters in their name. Can print their first name....
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by BASIS Charter Schools.
How to Support Student Achievement and Development
To grow both academically and as individuals, students need a strong system of support at school. They are more likely to engage in class and achieve at high levels when they have trustworthy adults who they can confide in about their struggles, share their successes with, and seek out when they need help navigating academic and social life. At many schools, these individuals make up the student support services department, which aims to enhance academic achievement, while supporting students’ social and emotional needs.
Maya Bennett, the Director of Student Affairs at BASIS Baton Rouge—Materra Campus, discusses the importance of supporting students academically, socially, and emotionally,...
“Mommy, read.”
As annoying as these words are to hear at bedtime some nights when we’ve already read four books, I still love them deep down. I love that I’m raising a reader. I’ve been reading to my daughter since she was a newborn.
Don’t get ahead here and think I’m one of “those moms” that had reading all planned out, doesn’t let her get do screen time, etc.
I’d bet money my daughter gets more screen time than your kid.
No, I didn’t intend to be a reading mom. One of my great friends teaches elementary school. She told me a few weeks after having my daughter to start reading to her, even if it was just news articles. So, I started...