My three and five year old daughters have two favorite insults. “You Stink!” they’ll shout, when one does something the other doesn’t like. “Stink,” in this context, is a noun rather than a verb and can be interchanged with “little stink” as well. Adding “head” is reserved for more egregious actions and “poopy face” is the strongest insult of all. Our three year old knows how to push her sister’s buttons and will shout these names even when nothing has happened just to get a reaction out of big sis. Big sis’ reaction is always worth it—her face contorts into a mix of anger and horror, and you’d basically think little sis had called her a four letter word...
  It's 4:19 am. I didn't call my Grandmother yesterday. I need to set a reminder to do that or something because the only time that I remember is when I can't do it. I also didn't text my friend who is going through a divorce, a friend who I haven't spoken to in weeks, or a friend whose husband is going through some stuff. I meant to. I had good intentions but failed. Again. A quick scroll through Facebook reminds me of all of the people that I need to touch base with. I mentally add them to my long list of people I need to reach out to. I know I will only remember when I am taking a shower or driving. You...
Getting my kids to clean up after themselves is one of my least favorite responsibilities. Especially after months of being at home more than usual, I found myself resorting to just bribing my three and five year old to stay in another room and play quietly while I would listen to a podcast and clean their disaster zone room for them. Isn’t it a total delight to find several day old cups of milk and used pull-ups under the bed?  While that method worked, in theory, I want my kids to be responsible little people and tidy up one mess before moving on to another. I want to say, “Alright! Time to clean up!” And with a snap of my...
It is past time that someone says it, so excuse me while I stand on top of my soapbox and scream it from my backyard: "Are you a CHEERLEADER for the other women in this world or are you a RIVAL?" Will you help build the next generation of strong, proud, kind amazing women or will you help another decade of women hide their talents and passion for fear of being bullied and tormented? I have so many mixed emotions and feelings about this topic, but one opinion always stands out: SUPPORT your fellow woman, especially if she is your friend. I want to ask you a question here (and please answer honestly). How often have you been in a conversation...
It goes without saying- being a mom is hard. Being a working mom is hard. Being a stay-at-home mom is hard. Being a mom who works from home is hard. There is no debating any of this. Some women are born to have careers. It’s practically in their blood to rock high heels and a suit on a daily basis. Other women are made to be homemakers. They live and breathe taking care of their families and homes. In my opinion, both types of moms are heroes. As for me, I fall somewhere in the middle, which is why I’m a working mom even though I wish I weren’t. It’s not that I don’t like working. In fact, just the...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...