I have always thrived on having a set schedule and routine. I like to mark things off of lists. I am a planner nerd, not in the planner (probably not going to happen). I feel like this characteristic has served me well; it has helped me be organized and goal-oriented in school and jobs alike.   As I joined the motherhood club, this characteristic was amplified. Very quickly, my firstborn established a pretty predictable routine of feeding, sleeping, and pooping. I loved that he slept for 12 hours every night. I loved that at 1 pm when he started fussing, I automatically knew that he was ready to eat.   Enter baby #2 three years later. The oldest is still on...
When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately started to watch my words. Not swearing around children seems to be a widespread social agreement, so my first instinct was to repress any bad words. I even looked for a chart to help me with that. On a normal day, I don't really say that many curse words, but sometimes it is the best avenue to express a feeling or an idea. Excitement, frustration, joy, grief, or even love. Think about it. Cursing can be a tool, and like any tool, it needs to be practiced to be well applied. Today, what keeps me up at night is not that my son will say a bad word in an inappropriate...
My daughter turned 6 last Saturday; my youngest child went from toddler years to child years in a blink of an eye. On Monday morning around 3am I heard little feet walk into my bedroom then a tap on the cheek followed by "Mommy I had a nightmare, can I snuggle?" I instantly grabbed her up, scooted over, and she snuggled in. The next day I thought back on those sweet snuggles and wondered would those be my last late night cuddles? I know that one day she will no longer come to my room when she has a nightmare or when thunder wakes her up. As I thought about it, I realized my 8 year old has not...
Yesterday, my daughter’s class presented the “Letter Z” during their Wacky Wednesday Zoom lesson. Immediately she proclaimed “Mom, School is over and we won’t see our teachers and friends again.” The tears began to flow. For a while, I wasn’t sure where her tears stopped and mine began. How do I explain to my child that she’s exactly right?  You see this was her last year at Montessori School of Baton Rouge (MSBR). Next year she starts Kindergarten at a new school with new friends and new teachers. MSBR has been so amazing for us, I have often wished the school lasted all the way to high school, or at least middle school. Unfortunately, my son didn’t have the...

My Sweet Caboose

People always tell you about the firsts, but no one ever warns you about the lasts. -Jessica Simpson My sweet caboose, my baby number four, I know you’re my last baby. The day you were born, my mommy heart was complete. You filled every void. I held you in my arms and knew you’d be my baby forever. I brought you home and had you next to me in your bassinet. I nursed you, I held you (A LOT), I rocked you and I stared at you. I tried to soak in every sweet moment because I knew they’d be my last to experience. Looking Forward... I remember with my firstborn looking forward to every milestone. I couldn’t wait for him to...

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Around Baton Rouge

Wearin’ of the Green :: Baton Rouge Goes Wild {and Green!}

Wearin' of the Green :: Baton Rouge Goes Wild {and Green!} Every March, Baton Rouge flips a switch. Suddenly, the streets aren't just streets anymore—they're...