The Best Holiday Activities When You’re Not Feeling Your Best There’s a bug going around here. So many people we know are sick. So many more are staying in just in case they’re infectious. I’m trying to plan activities in case my littles get sick. (Although last week they planned to both be sick so they could miss school to play. But they forgot I can hear them.) Sick Karaoke is a memory you’ll want to make. Try to sing Mariah Carey holiday songs with a raspy sick voice.  If your eyes are light sensitive, wear your sunglasses and a towel as a mink stole. Try to dance, if you can.   Make a Christmas art piece as a family. Let...
Christmas On Pointe Have you heard about Baton Rouge’s premier residential community, Pointe-Marie? If you’ve had a chance to visit then you know that Pointe-Marie is a 120-acre walkable village featuring gorgeous homes on beautiful lots, entertainment for the whole family and a charming sense of community located right here in the Red Stick on historic River Road. If you have not yet had a chance to visit Pointe-Marie, this holiday season is the perfect time to see all this community has to offer. There was so much fun to be had and there was something for everyone to do! Both of our girls tried their hand at playing the inflatable games with dad. The cookie decorating activity was a hit...
Christmas Morning Creamy Cinnamon Rolls Christmas morning is about spending time with loved ones while giggling children excitedly opening presents, and Brenda Lee’s Rocking Around the Christmas Tree plays in the background. No one wants to miss out on the morning enjoyment by being in the kitchen preparing a complicated breakfast. Below is our go-to Christmas morning breakfast. Ingredients: Bottom Layer 2 cans of store-bought cinnamon rolls ¼ cup heavy cream ½ cup butter 1 cup brown sugar Icing Icing packets that come with cinnamon rolls 2 cups powdered sugar ¼ cup butter (melted) 1 tsp. vanilla 3 tablespoons water Directions: Drizzle some of the heavy whipping cream in the bottom of a 13x9 baking dish. Place rolls on top. Pour the remaining cream over the...
As Christmas approaches, I wonder what my kids think the season is about. I want to have the most emotionally healthy, excited children when it comes to Christmas. They deserve so much happiness. I never want to take any from them or destroy their wonderment for the season.  Everywhere you look when you’re out shopping, you see a jolly, happy man representing the joy that comes from a happy child. He’s always beaming happily.  But when you go to church, you see manger scenes with a mother doting on her baby.  Some moms I know tell their kids that Santa isn’t real; that Jesus is the reason we celebrate, and that their parents buy them presents. I understand the need to not...
Mom's Guide To Managing Holiday Stress :: Navigating The Festive Season With Peace And Joy The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for many moms, it can also bring a deluge of stress and overwhelming responsibilities. From juggling family gatherings to managing gift shopping and meal preparations, the holidays can be demanding. As a result, moms need to prioritize self-care and find effective strategies to navigate the season with grace and tranquility. Here are some tips for moms to manage holiday stress and embrace the magic of the season. 1. Create Realistic Expectations The pressure to create a perfect holiday experience can be immense, but it's essential to set realistic expectations. It's seriously okay if everything doesn't go...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...