Like most of you, I'm a mom on the go.  I've always seen my super crafty momma friends posting all these fun and cute holiday treats that they made with their kids.  I was determined that I was going to give my kids that lasting memory too, by George!  So a few years ago, I decided that for each holiday I'd do at least one holiday treat that we could all make and eat together!  This year, I got a little ahead of myself and did three! Eek!  They are so simple, quick, and fun to do with your kiddos' help! 1.  Pretzel Pumpkins Ingredients: Bag of salted mini pretzels green decorator's icing (or bag of m&m's, you'll only need the green ones) 1 bag of...
I am not crafty.  My degree is in Finance and Insurance (read: boring stuff). I don't do creative. So when I told my husband I was going to restore an old kids' table I found on Craigslist, he probably wondered what I had been mixing with my lemonade. Luckily, it was fairly quick and painless, and I'm probably way too proud of myself.  Here is a step by step of my toddler table transformation: 1. Buy super awesome Care Bears table on Craigslist for $20.  I'd been looking for a little table for Etta Mae for awhile, and I couldn't pass this one up.  To be honest, I was a little partial to the Care Bears (Etta Mae kept talking...
Season 6 of Parenthood premieres on Thursday, September 25 (tomorrow!), and I am a ball full of emotions.  If you are familiar with this show, then you know that one does not simply watch Parenthood.  One gets involved.  For example, on numerous occasions, I have found myself praying for the Bravermans, the family on which the show is centered.  I have prayed that Max would find a true friend who would understand him and his Aspergers completely and love him unconditionally, and I wept when he found that friend in Hank (played by Ray Romano, so, I mean, come on).  I have prayed for Julia and Joel that they could find reconciliation and healing in their marriage, and I have prayed...

Fall Shows for Moms

I have to confess, my husband and I watch a good bit of television. To be fair, it's just been the two of us for the last three years (our first is due any day now). So we don't have to share our TV time with Daniel Tiger or Sesame Street juuuust yet. And while I'm a huge proponent of unplugging and spending quality time together, which we do often, there's also something to be said about being able to zone out and be entertained for a little bit after a long day. So, as a self-confessed TV aficionado, here are a few shows I'm super excited are returning, and a couple new ones I'm planning on checking out.   New...

Ditching the Dish

We are a TV family.  At one point, I would estimate that I had 30 different shows in my DVR queue.  So you can imagine my husband's shock when I suggested that we call DirecTV to cancel our service.  How would we live without 150 channels? Without live sports? Without at least 10 episodes of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood available at any given time and for any given toddler meltdown? To be honest, I didn't really know the answer to those questions.  All I knew was that the money going toward our cable bill would be very useful elsewhere. When I reached out to my Facebook friends for advice on dropping our television service, I was shocked by how many had...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...