
Baton Rouge marriage help

Being a great mother isn’t just about putting the kids first. It is also about pursuing your career if desired, finding free time for pursuing your own hobbies (even if that’s a workout corner at home) and fostering an environment where everyone is comfortable. Of course, it can admittedly be challenging to find time for marriage amidst motherhood, but at Red Stick Mom we aren’t afraid to discuss healthy relationships, divorce, dating and even your sex life. Whether your children were conceived naturally, became a part of your family through adoption or were welcomed after miraculous IVF, it can be hard to stay patient with the kids and our partners at the same time.

At Red Stick Mom, our team of 25+ local Baton Rouge mom writers have a ton to discuss with regards to marriage and relationships, as we all know that good relationships take intention, hard work and many times a healthy dose of therapy.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy and fun can be extremely hard, but at Red Stick Mom, we also believe that it is 100% possible with a little bit of effort and a great (and honest) mom community around you. Whether it’s a fun night hanging out at home, or getting out of the house to enjoy one of the best restaurants in Baton Rouge, we understand that sometimes you just need a nudge to enjoy time with your partner.

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

The women at Red Stick Mom are Baton Rouge moms who understand the pressure of raising kids while also trying to make marriage work! They are willing to share everything from the book that will change your sex life, to what it’s like to raise kids as a single mom, to navigating grief amidst your marriage and motherhood.  

Early 2020: If you were like me, TikTok sounded like a playground for teens and those in their early 20’s. Catchy songs and dances were the last thing on my mind back then. I was more focused on virtual schooling our two children and the financial well-being of our family. Hard pass on the Savage Love. I needed sanity and clarity more than I needed to learn how to dance with my arms like my 12 year old does. Then, for whatever reason mid-year, I downloaded it. Probably out of desperation for a change in scenery. I fully expected to hate it as much as that other social media platform with the ghost as its icon. I literally could not...
My husband and I walked into each of our kid’s rooms together to tuck them in and give goodnight kisses but found them cuddled together in one room. They’d heard us arguing. Red-faced and puffy-eyed, I kissed their precious little faces, snuggling into their necks until they laughed - an attempt to diffuse the tension I knew they picked up on. As I left the room, I heard my husband start to explain, “You probably heard Mom and I arguing. Everything is okay. We love each other, but sometimes being a grown-up means you might have to have difficult talks with other grown-ups.” In that moment, I was so grateful to have a partner who gets it, one who understands...
Each day that passes creates a bigger canyon in my heart. Minute to minute, hour to hour, your silence is chipping away at all the hopes and dreams I had for our family. You recently said that if I was to leave that you would fight for me to stay. The time to do that is now. The time to pull out all of the stops is now. The time to throw away whatever insecurities and preconceived notions of what this should look like is now. By the time I decide to leave, it will be too late for any resuscitative actions. They will fall on deaf ears and a shattered heart that no amount of the right words could...
When Your Home Is a Battleground. When your home is a battleground, you pull in the driveway in the evening and it doesn’t feel like the end of the day. It feels like the day is just getting started. You have a plan in mind for how the night will go. What needs to get done and what you want to get done. You said your mantras and prayed your prayers. You listened to your podcasts. You convince yourself you can keep it all together tonight, no matter what gets thrown your way. When your home is a battleground there’s territory claimed. The kitchen is yours’s. The front porch is his. There are unspoken agreements. He gets the bathroom early evening; you...
As the song goes, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmasss…,” but in my mind, I am currently picturing white sand and blue water. Unfortunately, the holidays can be a stressful time for many even though it is supposed to be a time for joy and celebrating the birth of our savior. It’s a time with lots of extra expenses and you still have all your usual expenses too. And the all too familiar Covid throws another grinchy wrench in it all. Basically, holiday stress + pregnancy hormones = recipe for Level 5 meltdown.   After a disagreement between my husband and I one evening, I found myself sitting on the couch and wishing we were back in Hawaii. We sort of...

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