
Baton Rouge marriage help

Being a great mother isn’t just about putting the kids first. It is also about pursuing your career if desired, finding free time for pursuing your own hobbies (even if that’s a workout corner at home) and fostering an environment where everyone is comfortable. Of course, it can admittedly be challenging to find time for marriage amidst motherhood, but at Red Stick Mom we aren’t afraid to discuss healthy relationships, divorce, dating and even your sex life. Whether your children were conceived naturally, became a part of your family through adoption or were welcomed after miraculous IVF, it can be hard to stay patient with the kids and our partners at the same time.

At Red Stick Mom, our team of 25+ local Baton Rouge mom writers have a ton to discuss with regards to marriage and relationships, as we all know that good relationships take intention, hard work and many times a healthy dose of therapy.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy and fun can be extremely hard, but at Red Stick Mom, we also believe that it is 100% possible with a little bit of effort and a great (and honest) mom community around you. Whether it’s a fun night hanging out at home, or getting out of the house to enjoy one of the best restaurants in Baton Rouge, we understand that sometimes you just need a nudge to enjoy time with your partner.

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

The women at Red Stick Mom are Baton Rouge moms who understand the pressure of raising kids while also trying to make marriage work! They are willing to share everything from the book that will change your sex life, to what it’s like to raise kids as a single mom, to navigating grief amidst your marriage and motherhood.  

My husband and I were leaving Tiger Stadium, and my mind was occupied with getting back to our car and A/C. His mind was elsewhere. Evidently it had been for some time, and he could no longer take it. He looked at me and matter-of-factly informed, “I want to join the Navy reserves. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and researching it, and I really want to do it.” To this day I’m not sure how I didn’t laugh him off immediately. There was something about how imploring he was. All I could muster in response was something dumb like, “Ok… ok… whoa. Can we talk about this?” He confessed that this had been a lifelong dream...
I remember the look on my husband's face when the sonographer was unable to detect our son's heartbeat. I began to cry as he looked at me with confusion and panic. "He's gone," I said. We held each other in a dark room that merely moments ago was filled with joy and excitement. Exam room four, now so cold and lifeless. As we walked behind closed doors to labor and delivery, I remember how quiet we stood waiting for the elevator. Both of our minds reeling with questions and hurt, though on the outside - quiet. The silence would show its face many times in the days to come. When our son was born, quiet. As our friends and family...
Look at you, over there buried under our three children. Because once you’re home, all they want to do is be in your shadow or in your lap. You sit there as if you have no idea what you have done to me. As if this is just happenstance.  But I need you to know, you did this. You took the broken girl and you were so patient dismantling that wall she’d built so thick and so tall. You took my heart with the utmost care and stitched every broken space. You trudged through the landmines laid by men you’ll never meet. And with each new threat, you carefully brought it to light, disarmed it, and drew me closer.  You make...
"Happy birthday to my better half," is often a post I see while skimming through Facebook.  "Tomorrow I marry my better half," is a stream of consciousness post I saw when my friends and I were in the bright-eyed engagement stage. We've all heard the sentiment, but recently I've made an earth-shaking discovery brought upon by a second pregnancy, an unexpected hospital skin, and a very ugly sofa--I don't have a "better half." To borrow from Jane Austen, I'm cursed with a conceited sort of independence. I woke up from a coughing spelling the middle of the night on Valentine's Day. After a glass of water, I placed my hands on my belly and waited for the soft jabs of our 37-week...

I choose to LOVE you

I think we can all agree that being in a relationship is hard. In all relationships, whether with friends, our children, or our spouse, they take work. There is this odd assumption by society that once you “fall in love” with the right human, you will live in perfect harmony. That somehow, once you say I DO, it gets easier and you will live happily ever after. Well friends, I am here to tell you that’s a LIE.  I have been in a relationship with my husband for 15 years. We have had good times, great times and really really rough times together. We have had to figure out how to make sure our kids are taken care of on days when...

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