Before becoming a mom, reading used to be one of my favorite hobbies. But after finding myself in the throes of new motherhood, I quickly realized that I had no time to read, and even when I had time to read, I was too tired to read. A friend suggested using Audible and I soon found that I was devouring audiobooks during my commute to work in the morning and during chores after my daughter's bedtime. Soon after, I ventured into listening to podcasts, too. Now, I’m admittedly always plugged in to an audiobook or podcast, whether it’s about parenting, womanhood, faith, or entrepreneurship.
I’ve rounded up some of my favorite podcasts, and am including a few reader submission podcasts...
I am one of those people who is always cold. Mid-August air conditioning will find me wearing a sweater or at the very least a cardigan. So actual winter has me reaching for all of the cold weather accessories. I dress in layers year-round, but up the layer count in the winter. Some days I’ll have a minimum of 4 layers on…inside.
Heading out
A great coat is a must for winter months, mine is probably over-kill (it’s a double layer coat from a Norwegian brand. I really don’t like to be cold) and, sure, everyone is into scarves and hats; I’m talking more about the other things that I think are must-haves, about the little things that can help me...
The old fashioned has been around for a very long time. Long enough to have a name like old-fashioned which is derived from bar patrons requesting the drink to be made the 'old fashioned' way. Although the drink has its roots in Kentucky, you can find many versions of it throughout the U.S. Chances are if you are a southerner you have been in the company of many whose go-to before-dinner drink is an old fashioned. Recently it seems the old fashioned is becoming increasingly popular. I have noticed it appearing on menus in a new form, the smoked old fashion. This led me to wonder, is the old-fashioned new again?I first became aware of the old-fashioned when I...
Kids can be involved in cooking younger than most people think, and there are so many good reasons to involve your child in the kitchen. It teaches responsibility, healthy eating habits, and cooking skills. They are not only learning essential life skills, they're also creating meaningful memories with you.
Children as young as 2 years old can help in the kitchen by asking your child to hand you ingredients you're prepping for a recipe. They can also assist in rinsing fruits and veggies. Show them how to scrub the produce and chat about the colors and taste. If your child is not ready to use a knife yet, they can help with tearing green at any age. Another option is...
My husband always tells me “We’re just working ourselves out of a job!” Even though, as a mom, those are not the words you want to hear, they are spot on! We are raising tiny humans to be able to live on their own in society. One of the things I do is include my kids in chores. Everyone from the six-year-old to the two-year-old helps with household chores. What’s even better? They love them, they think it’s fun and I’m not telling them the truth!!! Here are some easy chores to get your kids involved in and also take a little piece of your plate!
Folding Wash Rags::
When I have a load of towels in the dryer, I round...