And no, I’m not talking about those giant granny panties you probably wear when it’s that time of the month. Though, I’m sure they’re great. No, I’m talking about the super absorbent, comfortable, stylish period underwear from brands like Thinx, Knix, and various other companies that you wear instead of a pad or a tampon. Because listen, all my fellow vagina owners… They. Are. Magic. Freeing. Comfortable. I will NEVER go back to the horror of disposable pads and tampons again. So pull up a chair and grab a snack while I hop up on my soapbox. *Ahem* If I seem a bit intense about this, I am. For several reasons. First, periods suck. All cramps, headaches, backaches, bloating, and hormonal acne aside, the fact that you...
In South Louisiana we experience quite a few sunny days in the winter, however, January and February are still usually pretty dreary. Pair the weather with less daylight and post-holiday blues, and these months aren’t usually my favorite (until Mardi Gras, of course!). However, this year, I’ve decided to take advantage of a slower winter pace and give myself some room to rest. I’ve recently been interested in learning how to create cozy spaces in my home and a mindset that leans into hibernating in the colder months. In addition to twinkle lights and candles, I’m going to try to cook low key meals so I can enjoy those last daylight hours outside with the kids as well as...
Shark week. Aunt flow. Code Red. That time of the month. Whatever you call it---it’s your menstrual cycle. After learning about the menstrual cycle in my high school health class, I lived most of my adult life only vaguely aware of how hormones work, when to expect my cycle, and how to recognize PMS. It’s not something I ever researched or truly cared about in my teens and early 20s, but when my husband and I decided to try to conceive our first child, I really started to be more cognizant of my cycle and ovulation. It was at this point that I really started to learn about and understand just how much my cycle impacts my day-to-day life...
A few years ago my husband’s family decided to forgo the adult gift card exchange, the Secret Santa and the white elephant and instead decided to do a homemade gift exchange. (Don’t worry the younger kids/great grandchildren still got their regular gifts.) There were a few rules: Each family unit made a gift for the other family units. Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles, Cousins, Siblings and Parents all included. The cost was to stay between $2-$3 per item. The results were fun, entertaining and delicious!  The majority of the items were consumables. I liked this, as it was something that could be used and enjoyed, and not take up too much space in your house. Most gifts were packaged in mason jars, or...
A nursing cart was something I had never heard of 5.5 years ago when I had my first baby. But this time around, I discovered Karrie Locher and her infamous nursing cart and I knew I needed one, especially since I was going to be recovering from a c-section. This time around, I wanted to try and make as much of my life as easy as possible. What is a nursing cart? It’s essentially a one-stop organizational system for anything you need in arms reach throughout the day or night. I decided to designate our very well-loved IKEA cart as my nursing cart! I chose this cart because it was on wheels and it was so convenient to bring it from the...

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