Mom Tips, Tricks and Hacks

moms in Baton Rouge

As Baton Rouge moms, we know what it takes to keep a household running, and we understand that motherhood is hard. There’s always a ton to do and never enough time to get everything done! Sometimes us moms need a quick fix or advice from other moms on how to save time. Just like you, Red Stick Mom writers are always open to a more efficient way to handle things and willingly share their best mom hacks, tips and tricks when they find them.

Here at Red Stick Mom, we offer dozens of ideas from diverse perspectives in our mom hacks, tips and tricks category. From taking road trips from Baton Rouge to meatless meals to natural cold remedies, we’ve written about it. 

Curious how to freshen up your skin routine? We suggest you try slugging. Looking for a faster way to fix your hair? Try the lazy mom’s guide to hair. Wondering if there’s a better way to cook bacon? Try this mom hack for cooking the best bacon ever and thank us later. What’s motherhood without perfecting your bacon, are we right? That’s the kind of content our Mom hacks, tips and tricks section highlights. 

That said, not all of Red Stick Mom’s mom hacks, tips and tricks are about fixing food or mom’s self care. Maybe you are looking for a better way to store your family’s precious photo memories. Have you ever wondered what to do with the cupcakes that your kids inevitably didn’t finish? You haven’t really lived until you’ve tried “recycle cake.” We even get intimate with other topics like why every mom should try period panties and the value of a nursing cart when there’s a newborn in your home.

Our writing team of 25+ local Baton Rouge moms really work hard to ensure that local parents benefit from our tried and true mom hacks, tips and tricks. Our goal is to make living in Baton Rouge with kids – and motherhood overall – easier and more fun, and we’re here to share what we know! 

Before I met my husband, Matt, my basic (and wrong) understanding of extroverts and introverts was that extroverts like parties and introverts don’t. So after several years of dating Matt, who is often the life of a party and has this uncanny ability to talk to anyone about anything told me he was actually an introvert, I was confused. I have since become wiser and understand that being an introvert or extrovert has much more to do with where one gets their energy.   I get my energy from being around people, and Matt gets his energy from being by himself. We both love parties and seeing our friends; I’m just less likely to go read a book afterwards. As...
“So when are you two going to have a baby?” It’s a question we hear on a regular basis. I’m not offended by it (I think), for I often ask myself the same thing. And I also know that what I have right now is really all I need and want. However, I have oscillated between the “when” and “if” recently because the desire has started to grow. Much more than when my son was first born 5 years ago and with all that surrounded the aftermath, there was no decision to be considered then. Impulsively during my transition into single motherhood and out of the infant stage, I rid my home of anything baby—clothes, gear, bottles— all donated with...
Being a mom is hard!  We somehow have to be an entertainer, a cook, a maid, a doctor, give magic hugs and scare away the monster under the bed, sometimes all in one day!  Then after the kids finally go to bed and you have just a moment to breathe, you remember there is this handsome man with whom you share your house.  How are we supposed to have time to be a wife too? My husband and I recently celebrated our 12th anniversary. As we celebrated, we reflected on years past. We have an almost 11-year-old son who will soon be starting middle school and an almost 5-year-old daughter who will soon be braving the halls of kindergarten.  A few...
Hello. My name is Kristen and I have a problem: my phone is filled with pictures. Filled. I'm the default family historian and I love my job. It is a slippery slope though - it's dangerously easy to let the cataloguing of my life get in the way of living it (or to let the "I'm taking the picture" get in the way of being in the picture). Before my phone became my primary camera, I had memory cards upon memory cards of photos... just sitting there or uploaded in the back-up hard drive, in some file...waiting. Every now and then, a coupon from some photo site would catch my eye and it would prompt a momentary (and fleeting) resolve to PRINT...
Motherhood is hard enough without life throwing you a curve ball. When something unexpected happens, it can be hard to see past the chaos and you may lay your head down at night feeling defeated and discouraged and not enough. I know because I've been that mom, and I'll be that mom again someday since life is full of unfortunate surprises and unavoidable tough experiences. Maybe you are learning how to be a single parent or navigating a divorce, maybe you are are caring for a sick or differently able child, maybe you recently lost somebody close to you, maybe you are making a big decision that will impact your child, maybe you are processing a trauma, maybe things are just hard right now...

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