Mom Tips, Tricks and Hacks

moms in Baton Rouge

As Baton Rouge moms, we know what it takes to keep a household running, and we understand that motherhood is hard. There’s always a ton to do and never enough time to get everything done! Sometimes us moms need a quick fix or advice from other moms on how to save time. Just like you, Red Stick Mom writers are always open to a more efficient way to handle things and willingly share their best mom hacks, tips and tricks when they find them.

Here at Red Stick Mom, we offer dozens of ideas from diverse perspectives in our mom hacks, tips and tricks category. From taking road trips from Baton Rouge to meatless meals to natural cold remedies, we’ve written about it. 

Curious how to freshen up your skin routine? We suggest you try slugging. Looking for a faster way to fix your hair? Try the lazy mom’s guide to hair. Wondering if there’s a better way to cook bacon? Try this mom hack for cooking the best bacon ever and thank us later. What’s motherhood without perfecting your bacon, are we right? That’s the kind of content our Mom hacks, tips and tricks section highlights. 

That said, not all of Red Stick Mom’s mom hacks, tips and tricks are about fixing food or mom’s self care. Maybe you are looking for a better way to store your family’s precious photo memories. Have you ever wondered what to do with the cupcakes that your kids inevitably didn’t finish? You haven’t really lived until you’ve tried “recycle cake.” We even get intimate with other topics like why every mom should try period panties and the value of a nursing cart when there’s a newborn in your home.

Our writing team of 25+ local Baton Rouge moms really work hard to ensure that local parents benefit from our tried and true mom hacks, tips and tricks. Our goal is to make living in Baton Rouge with kids – and motherhood overall – easier and more fun, and we’re here to share what we know! 

Post-Holiday Cleanse

The holidays for our family, like most families, are a little manic. From the time we carve the turkey on Thanksgiving day until we cut the King Cake on 12th night, we are filled to the brim with family events, eating, running from here to there, more eating, staying off schedule, not keeping up with laundry, opening presents, still more food, and lack of sleep. By the time mid-January rolls around (I'm a resolution procrastinator), I'm ready to get my life in order by de-cluttering, refocusing, and de-stressing. This is usually when I detox. I don't mean the celebrity detox where you drink cayenne water for 3 days. I'm speaking of a life cleanse. To cleanse means to rid yourself of things that...

Unplugging: See You in 2016!

What an amazing year it has been! We are so looking forward to the New Year in 2016. Until then, we will be spending some time with our families, slowing down a bit, and unplugging as much as we can. We hope you do the same! Need something to read over the break? Be sure to check out our Top 10 Posts of 2015.

Our Top 10 Posts in 2015

Wow, 2016 is fast-approaching!  We certainly plan on enjoying every moment during these last few weeks of the year, but we wanted to take some time to reflect on 2015 and see what YOU have loved most right here on the blog.  Our passion continues to be connecting moms in the Baton Rouge community and beyond. We hope you've enjoyed reading along this year as much as we've enjoyed sharing! So, without further ado, here are our TOP 10 most read and most loved posts in 2015! 10. A Letter to All You Unphotogenic Mothers: Exist in Photographs As Adriana so beautifully puts: So Mother, embrace who you are. Have courage and show yourself in photographs to your children and to yourself. Show your daughters...
Between spending more time indoors, the holidays, sentimental Christmas music, and extra glasses of wine that tend to accompany the latter weeks of December,  I tend to spend a good portion of my thought life reflecting on the past year. This particular year has been eventful to say the least. Our family started and finished construction on a new home and we started a new business. On top of "mom"ing, "wife"ing, and blogging, I'm feeling somewhere in the middle of frazzled and tired. These feelings led me to my current state of mind which could be described in one word, "unresolved." I started to wonder how I could top this year (NO, MOM, I'm NOT having another baby). Basically I've gone from one day to the next not really living in the moment.  Instead...

Married to Parenthood

My husband and I recently celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. As the date draws closer every year I’m always amazed at how, yet again, it seems as time has flown by. When we took our wedding vows on a rainy November day, we promised to become partners in life, and we have been from day one. New houses, new jobs, new cars, new bills; we’ve been through it all. More than any other daily life obstacle or celebration, the birth of our children and becoming parents has tested and strengthened our marriage the more than any other. With the birth of our first child we, like all new parents, were faced with the general challenges of caring for an infant...

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