Mom Tips, Tricks and Hacks

moms in Baton Rouge

As Baton Rouge moms, we know what it takes to keep a household running, and we understand that motherhood is hard. There’s always a ton to do and never enough time to get everything done! Sometimes us moms need a quick fix or advice from other moms on how to save time. Just like you, Red Stick Mom writers are always open to a more efficient way to handle things and willingly share their best mom hacks, tips and tricks when they find them.

Here at Red Stick Mom, we offer dozens of ideas from diverse perspectives in our mom hacks, tips and tricks category. From taking road trips from Baton Rouge to meatless meals to natural cold remedies, we’ve written about it. 

Curious how to freshen up your skin routine? We suggest you try slugging. Looking for a faster way to fix your hair? Try the lazy mom’s guide to hair. Wondering if there’s a better way to cook bacon? Try this mom hack for cooking the best bacon ever and thank us later. What’s motherhood without perfecting your bacon, are we right? That’s the kind of content our Mom hacks, tips and tricks section highlights. 

That said, not all of Red Stick Mom’s mom hacks, tips and tricks are about fixing food or mom’s self care. Maybe you are looking for a better way to store your family’s precious photo memories. Have you ever wondered what to do with the cupcakes that your kids inevitably didn’t finish? You haven’t really lived until you’ve tried “recycle cake.” We even get intimate with other topics like why every mom should try period panties and the value of a nursing cart when there’s a newborn in your home.

Our writing team of 25+ local Baton Rouge moms really work hard to ensure that local parents benefit from our tried and true mom hacks, tips and tricks. Our goal is to make living in Baton Rouge with kids – and motherhood overall – easier and more fun, and we’re here to share what we know! 

Most see me as a stay at home mom (and I identify more with that "label"), but I have actually worked on and off since my first was born. I'm involved in a lot of work with the community, I homeschool, I blog, I've held both full-time and part-time positions occasionally. I work, a LOT, even if at times it is more of a "volunteer" position. I don't know of any SAHM who feels they don't actually have a job. They do real work. But I also know the struggles that come along with being a working mom and the fear that comes along with becoming a SAHM. When I was pregnant with #1, I held a wonderful salaried position...
Medical technology is an amazing thing.  Cesareans save many women and babies, and I am so thankful that they are available. However, it is clear that something isn’t right in American obstetric care.  The World Health Organization states that an acceptable cesarean rate to ensure the best outcomes for mothers and babies is between 5 and 15% and that rates above 15% seem to do more harm than good (Althabe and Belizan 2006).  Currently, Louisiana leads the United States with a cesarean rate of just over 40%, more than 3 times the recommended rate.  The US rate is hovering around 30%. April is Cesarean Awareness Month, the perfect time to discuss this important issue. Why are cesareans a big deal?...
“How many kids do you have?” is always a tricky question for me. There really is no easy answer to this question when you simultaneously work with kids and have kids of your own. Personally, I have two kids and could potentially have 50 or more throughout the week as my Speech patients. Like many people who work with kids, these kids are not just my patients, appointments, or a number. They truly are part of me and I consider each one part of my family. I like to think of myself as an aunt they visit once or twice a week that also helps them to speak, eat, play, and comprehend. I get to hear about when my kids...
We are back this month with another Heart & Home! To view all the homes in this series, click here. Today's home is full of surprises.  Colors, patterns, and accessories are combined in ways you would never think of...but that is what makes Samantha Samson's home so unique and so memorable.  This stay-at-home mom of two can decorate a room, plan a party, and whip up dinner faster than I've ever seen, yet each and every detail has been carefully thought out and planned for.  She is down-to-earth, loves to have fun, and is constantly an inspiration to those around her. She's the friend you have around when you are just stuck and need an idea hashed out. She's the...

All About Barre

After my second son Ben was born (all 9 pounds 14 ounces of him), my body was less than ideal.  I had gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy with him, and after he was born I wondered if I would ever get my pre-baby body back.  I was especially concerned because my core muscles were extremely weak, and I was having back pain. One day, as I was driving home, I passed The Bar Method.  At the time, the studio had not opened, but I was curious as to what it was and what types of exercises it offered.  I spent a few weeks doing a little research online, and I discovered that it was an ideal workout for pregnancy...

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