
Baton Rouge mom

As a Baton Rouge mom, sometimes you simply need to connect with other local moms to hear their thoughts, perspectives and opinions about raising kids in Baton Rouge. The perspectives in parenting section of Red Stick Mom is focused on providing a place for readers to discover what other moms are thinking and how they are managing the ever-changing challenges that accompany the difficult job of being a parent.

There are many different perspectives on parenting and living in Baton Rouge with kids, and Red Stick Mom is a safe platform where these diverse opinions can be published and discussed. We strive to provide not just valuable information and resources to parents across Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas, but also a place to hear from other local moms and what they’re thinking about current issues facing families.

In our perspectives in parenting section, you’ll find lots of anecdotes and reflections on day-to-day life in Baton Rouge with kids. Our writers keep it real and are willing to share everything from what it’s like to not want to have a natural birth in Baton Rouge to why they chose ISR swim lessons in Baton Rouge to managing their time as a single mom.

Many of our perspectives in parenting stories offer an intimate look into the highs and lows of being a mom in Baton Rouge. Whether it’s avoiding the mom shame game, or the challenges of having multiple young kids, we think that the best way to work through motherhood is together. No topic is off limits, even if it means getting honest about body image issues for young girls in Baton Rouge.

The Red Stick Mom writers talk about important things that Baton Rouge moms need to know, like where to get the best tutoring help in Baton Rouge and where to take a day trip with kids when you just need to get out of town!

With more than 25 local moms writing for Red Stick Mom, we pride ourselves on being the premier parenting resource for living in Baton Rouge with kids. If there’s a topic or perspective that’s missing, we always invite our readers to let us know what they want to talk about next!

Most women can relate that a shower is much more than getting the Goldifsh crumbs and spit up out of their hair. It’s 5 minutes of alone time. Yes, there might be a kid with their fingertips under the door screaming "mommy," but at least the sound of the running water is soothing. And while the hot water might be relaxing, our brains are usually going a mile a minute. A mom’s 5 minutes of alone time becomes their mental to-do list. As an experiment, I attempted to record my train of thoughts from my shower this morning. So here we go, welcome to inside the brain of a mom. May you enjoy my 5-minute shower thoughts. Ugh, this shower needs to be...
It was a night like basically every other night, the busyness of our routines – the evening rush of dinner, cleanup, bath time, bed – but in the midst of that everyday madness, I had to stop to think.  In the middle of my daughter's bath, after I had soaped up her face and was getting ready to rinse it, my daughter reached her hands into the water, cupped them, and splashed water on her face. I had never seen her do this before, and immediately thought that her dad must have showed her how to rinse her face the last time he gave her a bath. “Did Daddy teach you that?” I asked her.  “No, Mommy. You did.”  Here’s the thing. I never consciously taught my daughter to rinse...
Two kids ago, I was faced with quite a conundrum. My husband had confessed to me his lifelong dream of joining the Navy, and after months of discussions and planning, he left for boot camp. Including school in California, he was gone for about six months when our boys were 3 and 2 years old. During that time, I dealt with the most trying situations our family had faced until that point without his assistance: my first trip to the emergency room as a mom, our house getting hit by lightning, and setting up a pack-and-play.  That last one almost broke me.  My mom was babysitting so I could go to my high school reunion. Before I left, she asked me...
The day we shut down Chick-fil-A. It’s a day that is permanently singed into my brain. Okay, it was only the play place, but that might as well be all of Chick-fil-A, amiright? The Fateful Day So this fateful day we had traveled to Mom Mecca and I even scored the rare front row seats! (For you newbs, that’s a booth right next to the glass, so those eagle eyes of mine can remind my child that I’m *always watching*!) I’m not a big fan of sending my kids into a play place unattended (personal choice, stand down all you keyboard vigilantes). However, today we were waiting for Dad, Nan, & Pops for a special dinner, and kid 1 & kid...
Raising twins is stressful. It’s double the diapers, twice the tantrums, and double the mess. Along with the stresses of raising twins though is something that’s commonly overshadowed: the stress of raising a sibling of twins. Twins get a lot of attention from birth to adulthood. I’ve witnessed it all my life. Not only am I a mother of twins, but I am older sister to identical twin brothers and also married to a twin. Things have come in twos all my life, which is the reason I have always been sensitive to how my oldest daughter would be impacted by being the sister of twins. When we found out we were having twins, one concern (of many) was how my oldest daughter...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...