A day doesn't go by when I see a parent or adult with a child who is fastened in their car seat incorrectly or no car seat at all. In all honesty, it makes me cringe. And if I say anything to the parent, I am made out to be the bad "judge-y" mom. Ever heard of the statement, "my baby, my rules?" I will be completely honest, I used it a lot the first few months I was a mother. And I am sure a lot of mothers do. But this isn't a "my rules" argument, this is facts and the law (in some cases). I try to approach every situation as a learning opportunity because some parents truly...
I can't believe I am even thinking about summer  and all that water safety right now. Did this year fly by or what? I am more than ready for summer to be here. Well, the kids are really ready for summer, me on the other hand, I'm happy to have them home, but not thrilled about the Louisiana heat. How do we beat this summer heat? With time in the water, of course. Along with all the water play comes the need to think about how to be safe around all types of water activities. Here are a few ways to play it safe around water. Water Safety :: playing it safe around water Summer is a time to relax, have...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital of New Orleans. The Power of Pause In today's world, with a heightened awareness on safety, in critical situations multiple pauses have been put in place to make sure things are done correctly. On assembly lines, operators are empowered to hit the stop button whenever they feel that something is wrong. In surgery, a surgical team will take a ‘timeout’ to ensure the correct procedure is done on the correct part of the body and on the correct patient. In high risk industries, employees are encouraged to pause and process any time they feel uncomfortable. With much attention being placed on the “power of pause,” we seem to have forgotten that it...
Rude, Mean, or Bullying - And What to Do About It Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Episcopal School of Baton Rouge. Seeing their child in pain is one of the hardest things a parent can experience. When it is physical pain - a scraped knee or bump on the head - parents can put on a bandage and make it better. But what if your child’s pain is emotional rather than physical? What if another child at school is the source of your child’s pain? What if your child is being repeatedly targeted by a group of children? What if your child is being bullied? At Episcopal, we encourage our students and families to report any bullying or harassment and...
It's the time of year that I start getting ready for a beach trip! We've gone to the beach almost every summer, visiting a variety of beaches depending on where we lived. This year I am looking forward to our trip later this summer, but there is one trip that stands out because it was like no other. This trip shook me to the core with both fear and gratitude. This beach trip was 11 years ago. Our first baby was about to turn a year old, and it was his first time to go to the beach. My husband and I couldn't wait to see how he experienced all of the senses of the salty air, the sound of...

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