
Tag: Recommended Reading

Creative Schooling :: Crisis Mode Momming

With school closure, many of you have found yourselves in a position you never imagined. Maybe you DID imagine, but the thought terrified you...

Why Disney+ Gets an A+

You know that feeling you get when something new and shiny presents itself on the horizon? Well, that is what Disney+ has done for...

{Oh The Places You Will Geaux} Life Lessons From an LSU...

As I try to explain to you, my curly-haired two-year-old with a cinnamon crusted mouth and a quivering lip, the reason mommy and daddy...

Yes, My 2 Year Old is Still Rear-Facing

A day doesn't go by when I see a parent or adult with a child who is fastened in their car seat incorrectly or...

Getting Thanksgiving Right in Schools

My kindergartener came home from school yesterday and in telling me about her day, said something to this effect:  "The pilgrims came over on ships, and...