One of the surprising take aways that I have from living through this pandemic so far is the vastly different ways that our children are processing the whole experience. For example, in March when I told our first grader about not being able to go to school or visit with people for awhile, he said, "That's sad. I like school and my friends. This virus needs to go away." When I told our 13 year old about it, he said, "Mom I already know a lot about the Coronavirus. I'd like to talk with you sometime about some articles I've been reading about the timeline of vaccine development." Um...okay. In that initial conversation, it hit me immediately that our...
Yesterday, my daughter’s class presented the “Letter Z” during their Wacky Wednesday Zoom lesson. Immediately she proclaimed “Mom, School is over and we won’t see our teachers and friends again.” The tears began to flow. For a while, I wasn’t sure where her tears stopped and mine began. How do I explain to my child that she’s exactly right?  You see this was her last year at Montessori School of Baton Rouge (MSBR). Next year she starts Kindergarten at a new school with new friends and new teachers. MSBR has been so amazing for us, I have often wished the school lasted all the way to high school, or at least middle school. Unfortunately, my son didn’t have the...
Good Morning! It is 7:30 a.m. and I hear his little giggle. The sight of our dog causes him to let out a squeal of excitement and the day begins. I fix my coffee in preparation. By 8:00 a.m. sharp he is fussing for fuel. Though scrambled eggs and toast are on the menu, he scowls and points to the cabinet where I have unsuccessfully hidden the M&Ms. Meltdown number one is underway as I sip my lukewarm coffee, right on schedule! At 9:30 a.m. all is well. We have eaten and semi-dressed for the day. (By semi I mean I have refreshed my messy bun and brushed my teeth because.... well, motherhood). He has also brushed his teeth pridefully, a task...
Why is it I cringe when I have a video meeting and knowing I won't have the help to watch my daughter? Like many other moms, we have found ourselves working from home with babies, toddlers and teenagers at home as well. I am very grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to keep working but I was very stressed on March 13th when the governor announced that schools were closing. Even though my daughter is in daycare, and daycares were still open, I knew eventually they would close. I remember sitting at my desk in my cubical at work, crying big crocodile tears. I didn't know what was next. Being a control freak by nature, I could not control...
Picture this: you are in a restaurant with your family having a lovely time when your child begins to have a meltdown because the food is taking too long. They’re..…bored. Or, say you are in the waiting room at the doctor’s office and your child begins to get antsy. You are on a road trip that is just a minute longer than the normal commute and cue the meltdown because, again, bored. Any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? All these scenarios are missing one thing- a busy bag. A quiet/busy bag has been given many names, terms, and definitions but essentially it is a bag filled with items that can entertain your child in a quieter environment. I am...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...