Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the East Baton Rouge School System. Virtual to Hybrid Learning: 5 Tips for a Successful Transition As of September 14th, the East Baton Rouge School System adopted a hybrid-learning model for PreK-5th grade students, and with the announcement of Phase III reopening, we are pursuing excellence as we gradually transition back to in-person classes. Creating an effective learning environment in your home and accessing district and community resources will be important for your student’s continued success both at home and in the classroom, especially if your child continues in the all-virtual model. To ease children into the hybrid-learning experience, set up rules and expectations for active listening and participation at home, and familiarize yourself with the learning platform (Google Classroom/Google Meet/Microsoft Team) before...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by East Baton Rouge Parish School System.  Adapting the 2020-21 School Year for Student Success In the East Baton Rouge Parish School System, we are focused on creating a learning environment where every student can succeed. Although the coming academic year will look different than the past, each child—no matter the circumstances—will have the opportunity to continue learning in a safe educational landscape for the 2020-21 school year. The changes and improvements being implemented across the district align with our goal of creating an exceptional learning experience for all students: Delayed Start Date - ​In response to feedback and the continually rising rates of COVID-19, EBRPSS rescheduled the original start date of the academic year to August...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Touchstone ABA. Back to School Yields Different Challenges For Parents of Children With Autism With COVID-19 at the forefront of everyone’s mind and back to school procedures being discussed across the state, parents are nervously anticipating what the upcoming school year will look like. Parents of children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (a disorder characterized by deficits in social skills and communication skills and excesses in restrictive and repetitive behaviors) or other developmental differences may have additional concerns. Tips for successful distance learning: Many schools are beginning the school year with a hybrid of in-person and online instruction. Some families may utilize online instruction more frequently in the fall. Here are a few helpful considerations to enhance...
It wasn't that long ago that I first found out I was pregnant with her. Not that long ago that the doctor told us, "You have to have this baby today." Not that long ago that I stared into the baby bassinet in the hospital room overwhelmed with love and sleep deprivation. Not that long ago that I brought all 7 pounds, 7 ounces of her home. Kindergarten was the furthest thing from my mind. Instead, I was wrapped up in worries about baby-proofing, bottles, diapers... But just like that, she's five. And she's ready to start kindergarten this year. And we've had our share of jitters just thinking about it. Will she cry during drop off? Will she make friends easily?...
Are teachers harder on boys than girls? If you’d asked me this question a few years ago when I was a classroom teacher, I’d say, “No indeed. In this classroom, all students are treated equally.” However, if you ask me as the parent of a boy, I’d say, “Absolutely! Boys are definitely disciplined harder and more often than girls.” In many cases, for reasons I can’t explain, when it comes to behavior, it seems that boys are held to a higher and much stricter standard than their female classmates. Gender bias in schools really hit home for me one year when I felt my son was issued the raw end of a very bad deal. Now, let me pause here...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...