I have a confession to make. Gird your loins, y’all, because this is going to be unpopular. I hate Christmas. Despise, abhor, LOATHE. I am, essentially, THE Grinch. I’m not sure when the holiday season became a burden, but in the last few years it became abundantly clear to me that Christmastime was less than a holly, jolly season of joy for my three-sizes-too-small heart. I assume it has something to do with the fact that I am, and HAVE, SAD- seasonal affective disorder. At this time of year, my regular anxiety and depression is replaced by my “fancy Christmas anxiety” and depression. The time change is NOT my friend. The pressure to have a picture perfect, magazine worthy Christmas only compounds...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Party Time, however the words and photos are my own. HO HO HO "You've Been Jingled" (FREE printable included) Now that we’ve gotten past the jack-o-lanterns and the turkey, can we finally just say MERRY CHRISTMAS and HO HO HO?! I have lots of respect for those other holidays but now it is time for Christmas to shine. Anyone with me? To bring in the Christmas spirit, we have partnered up with Party Time to bring you a Christmas version of “You’ve Been BOOed” and we are so excited for it! This is the perfect new tradition to add to the mix and a sure way to get the entire neighborhood into the holiday spirit. "You’ve...
Mama I see you, holding your new baby on his first Christmas. Amazed at how Christmas is different with your own sweet boy this year. Holding him close and treasuring these moments. Mama I see you, chasing your baby girl down the hall, hoping she doesn't knock over the tree. Watching her bow bob up and down as she wobbles across the floor. Mama I see you, full of gratitude for what your own mom did for you as a child at Christmas, understanding how hard she must have worked to make it look magical and effortless. Mama I see you, cooking and planning and decorating, getting out the ornaments, finding the recipes, and lighting the candles. Mama I see you, exhausted from...
I’m gonna let you in on a very well kept secret. Come in close, did you know we run Christmas traditions?!? Like us! You, me, and Cathy down the street! We are the ones that get to decide if our house is elf friendly, we buy the gifts, we run this thing! It took me longer than I care to admit to realize this. But now that I have, I’m jumping in head first! We’re shaking up Christmas in these parts! I’m putting my foot down, no more cookies! Alright, simmer down all you keyboard warriors! I’m not calling a freeze on Christmas altogether, just the cookies. You see, even though we make adorable & delicious sugar cookies as a business,...

The Experience Wallet

I keep seeing posts about not giving toys for holidays. Instead, gifting experiences. Can I please tell you... I AM HERE FOR IT! Our house feels like it is bursting at the seams with toys when my children have just as much fun playing in a cardboard box. As much as I love the thought of experiences, I wasn’t really sure how to implement it in our family. Until now... I decided to make gift cards for my daughters and niece. The gift cards would be for things for us to go do with my niece - not just for her parents to do with her. For example, going to get donuts one morning, at-home pedicures, going bowling, baking cookies, going...

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Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his...