Set out those pumpkins - fun fall and Halloween activities are in full swing! Check out our favorite family-friendly October events in and around Baton Rouge this month here in the guide sponsored by Children’s Hospital. Red Stick Mom maintains a full calendar of events here. If you have a great family-friendly Baton Rouge event to add, please do that here. Don't miss - Fall in Love with Baton Rouge :: 75+ Ideas and Activities for Baton Rouge Family Fun this Fall Also check out - Halloween Costume Ideas: Heroes of the Pandemic Red Stick Moms Need to Know :: Baton Rouge Activities in October 2021 The East Baton Rouge Parish Library has Grab and Geaux Crafts available all month long! Check for dates at each location.
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Party Time.  Halloween Costume Ideas: Heroes of the Pandemic Halloween 2021 is just around the corner! Personally I love any excuse to dress my kiddos in cute costumes and the fact that we can then secretly siphon away the candy they collect and eat it late at night makes Halloween an extra delightful holiday. We typically spend Halloween with some of our best friends who live in a fun, community driven neighborhood that has mostly silly and very little spooky going on. I’m sure we all thought Covid would be long gone by now, but this seemingly endless Pandemic is dragging on. But here’s an idea, lets turn this awful thing on it’s head just...
So I am fully aware that Halloween is October 31st, but I think about Halloween costumes pretty much year round. I love planning what we’ll dress up as especially since having kids. I’ve come to love homemade costumes too. Store-bought costumes are great, but you have so many options when it comes to homemade. I get most of the pieces from Amazon or from things we already have around the house. You can spend a little or a lot and come up with something truly amazing. Since my oldest was born, we’ve managed to make all but one of his Halloween costumes plays on his name, Graham. For his first Halloween, he was a superhero named “Insta-Graham.” He and his...
Ok, so let me begin by saying that I love Halloween! I mean I really do love it, even as an adult. It ranks up there with Christmas and my birthday. October is for costume parties, decorating the house with spider webs and inflatable monsters, and eating all the candy you can get your hands on. I especially love that Halloween doesn’t have the anxiety and pressure that comes with other holidays. Halloween really is stress-free Now you might get a little stressed trying to put the finishing touches on your perfect costume, but you won’t be shopping for last minute presents or cooking the huge dinner while hosting your extended family. There are no themed photos with coordinated outfits to...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by East Baton Rouge Parish School System.  5 Ways to Make 2020 Feel Supernatural Let’s creep it real. The start of the 2020 school year has brought unprecedented experiences for parents and children alike. But as we gain our footing in these new learning environments together, the EBR Schools family is creating new ways to make this year fa-boo-lous! Through all the ups and downs this year, EBR Schools have a few tricks for taking the fear out of 2020. 1. Keep Spirits Up Whether your child is in preschool or preparing for high school graduation, getting accustomed to new guidelines, schedules, and teaching styles takes some time. As kids adapt to these unique environments, they can easily pick up on...

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Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his...