It was a typical Sunday afternoon. The sun was shining, the TV was blasting Disney tunes, the house smelled of Pine Sol as I cleaned the house, and my boys were playing contently in their rooms. Or so I thought. I walked into my 3 year old's room to instruct him to pick up his toys so I could vacuum his room. Upon entering, I could see his stout little body standing amidst his toys (the millions of toys) doing something inexplicably horrible. I won't go into detail, but it involved a bodily function. On his toys.  And on the carpet. And wherever else it may have sprayed in his startled state of mind when I shrieked. I asked him why he...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Indie Plate, a local grocery delivery service.  We proudly stand behind their product and the ideas presented in this post.   "Breakfast is the most important meal of your day" - this is a saying that is often echoed by everyone around us. But with kids and work and a generally busy schedule, who has the time in the morning to cook up a lavish breakfast? What can you do as a busy mom who wants to feed their family a delicious breakfast, but just can't find the time or the energy in the morning to hit the kitchen? Like we, at IndiePlate, always say - "We don't just want to be known as a...
Several times in my new motherhood, I have found myself telling someone, “This is, like, a thing now.” For pretty much any parenting decision you make these days, there is a corresponding label for it. And a few piles of books written on it, detailing why it is the best thing in the world. Natural childbirth, attachment parenting, unschooling, free range parenting, authoritarian parenting, cry it out, baby-led weaning. When Sam turned six months, I dutifully introduced solids – with my shiny new immersion blender and silicone ice cube trays (BPA free, of course), ready to puree all the things. Yeah, he would not have it. For a month, I fought with Sam, trying to get him to eat these...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Indie Plate, our local grocery delivery service.  We proudly stand behind their product and the ideas presented in this post.   Here at IndiePlate, when we have our daily meetings to discuss what new products go on our Fresh Market at, there is one question we always ask ourselves - how can we make our customers' lives easier without compromising on health and quality of life. Around the end of August, in one of our meetings, it became obvious to us that with school and work starting in September, and football season getting into high gear, time will be of the essence for all #IndiePendents. All throughout the summer, What's Cookin' Wednesdays have focused on...
I loved getting to know this mom through her beautiful home and inspiring words, and I know you will too!  Autumn Miller is mother of two and owner of Shabby Green Designs, a built-from-scratch furniture restoration business.  Not only is this momma creative, talented, and driven, but she will definitely have you smiling and ready to join her for a much-loved cup of coffee by the end of this warm and inviting tour.  I can't wait for you to "meet" her and hear how she manages running a business, keeping white couches clean, and avoiding the snares of mommy comparisons.  Enjoy the tour! Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your sweet family. For starters, we’re an odd bunch. Michael...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...