I've never been able to get much out of any 'how-to' parenting books. Maybe it's the part of me that hates being told what to do, but they never seem to help. A friend knew my distaste for them and suggested Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman. After reading just the summary I could tell it was my kind of book. An American journalist, Druckerman is living abroad in France and gives birth to her first child. She quickly begins to notice the differences among French and American parenting styles and subsequently how the children behave. What I enjoy most is that it's simply an observation of some of the differences without saying one is right or wrong. A new perspective...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Indie Plate, a local company that we have used and loved time and time again. All opinions are our own. We've read all the blog posts. Seen all the Pinterest boards. Tried all the tips and tricks to get a healthy dinner on our tables night after night. When it all comes down to it, eating a healthy, high-quality meal night after night is going to take a lot of work and time and effort. Head to the Farmer's Market on Saturday, pick up your CSA box on Monday, stop by the organic grocery store on Wednesday... OR Have everything above delivered to your doorstep with the click of a button. That's what Indie Plate is doing...
I've written here about mental health, racism and being mom to a special needs child so I figured it was time to lighten up a little and share some recipes with you. Sometimes after working 2 jobs, picking up the kiddo from school, and squeezing in a workout the last thing I want to do is stand at the stove for 30+ minutes whipping up a tasty and nutritious meal. Unfortunately, it seems like my family needs to eat, so I do it. I lean on my slow cooker every now and then and honestly those days are my favorite. There is something so rewarding and comforting about coming home after a long day and remembering that dinner is already cooked...
  Summer is officially upon us! The temperature (and humidity) is steadily rising, and  your little darlings are home from school for the summer and constantly searching for ways to beat the heat. Popsicles are surely one of childhood's simplest pleasure, but unfortunately the boxed grocery store variety can contain ingredients that are less than appealing. With multiple teaspoons of sugar per popsicle, your kids may find sweet relief from the heat but with some pretty unhealthy ingredients. Making your own popsicles is quick and easy, (seriously, you can have a batch ready to go into the freezer in about 5 minutes) and a great way to combine healthful ingredients with a tempting sweet treat that even adults will enjoy! I'll...
As a mom, it can be exhausting to come home after work or a full day of activities, only to look in the refrigerator and see this… I mean, that’s sad right?! Confession, this is what my refrigerator looks like on Sunday night. Notice the bottle of Pinot trying to make an appearance. While you wouldn't realize it from this picture, over the past few years I’ve been meal planning. I know the idea of meal planning can seem overwhelming at first, but I promise it will save you time, money, and sanity in the long run. Here’s how I do it: 1. Pregame. Survey the refrigerator, and throw out all the old left overs and expired food. Whew, that felt good!...

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Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his...