My dad gave me a call recently just to chat, which seems normal, but it is kind of out of character for my introverted silent compassionate father. Long story short, he misses his grandson and wants him to go over to his house more on the weekends. Love it, I am totally on board. My mother-in-law also loves having the little guy over on weekends. Love that too. Kids need grandparents and grandparents need grandkids. Momma needs some alone time and when the hubby is miraculously off of work, some spouse time too. Though, why do I feel a tinge of guilt? I love putting my son to bed at night. I straight up love getting in my pajamas and...
I was that girl. The one people gazed upon with pity. "Why is she still with him?" they would whisper. "She could do so much better." I secretly carried the same thoughts, though I couldn't bring myself to take that step towards the door. Years of my life spent dedicated to someone who didn't value my worth. Memories of milestones tainted with heartache and low self-esteem. Though many young women typically go through a time of self-discovery, this wasn't your typical coming into your own skin kind of story. The emotional abuse I endured by remaining in a toxic partnership tarnished my expectations of relationships. Who would have thought a teenage romance could be so poignant? Over half a decade of lies...
  In a perfect world, I would pen this and say “WE HAVE OVERCOME.” However, if we are all, to be honest with ourselves, we have not. As I sit in front of my computer and begin to write words that are either going to be celebrated or hated, I can’t help but ask the questions, Why are we criticized for celebrating Black History Month? Is there something wrong with wanting to know MY/OUR history? Why don’t ALL schools acknowledge and celebrate Black History Month? After all, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, Columbus Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and others. In Louisiana’s Capital City, why are we so afraid of stimulating the economy in “North Baton Rouge?” Why are we still creating school districts that simulate segregation? Why in...
In the last election, I was appalled and inspired by a post a local female running for office. The things said to her were appalling. I thought long and hard about it and the plethora of dumb, rude, and downright appalling things said to me through my life as a mom, business owner, wife, woman, etc. I asked some of our writers the craziest things said to them as a mom. That post is up to 165 comments. It would take me three posts to share all. I thought I would share some of the craziest in no particular order, exactly how they were shared with me. In regards to the child's brown skin color: "You really should take that baby...
  When you hear someone say "I have OCD," what do you think that means? Beds that are made. Clean countertops. Scrubbed bathrooms. Organized junk drawers. Labeled canisters in the pantry. These are just some of the things that many people associate with having OCD. "My OCD won't let me keep the Christmas tree up any longer," a woman says on Instagram. "I have to send my kids to school dressed perfectly because I have OCD" someone else jokes on Facebook. OCD isn't any of those things. OCD is intrusive and constant. It is not about having to clean anything for appearances or self-gratification. It is about trying to control those worries and thoughts that live in your head so that you can get through your day....

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...