Let's break it down. A waitress walks around her restaurant offering samples of a new lemonade they just started offering.  You see, the boss told her if she offers the lemonade to as many people as she can, it’s more likely she’ll find a few who love the lemonade and keep coming back for more. The more that come back, the more money the restaurant makes…and this means a Christmas bonus for the waitress. The waitress really needs this job. It’s out of her comfort zone, but she’s willing to give it a try. How hard can it be? After all, she really loves lemonade.    She approaches your table. “Hello. Would you be interested in trying our new lemonade? It’s so good, and...
Have you ever doubted yourself? If you're anything like me, you probably doubt yourself all the time. I constantly find myself in a cycle of thinking I'm not smart enough, good enough, savvy enough, etc. I let all the excuses of why I'm not enough pile up until they convince me that I shouldn't go after the things I want in life. I let these ridiculous emotions and insecurities control my life, and I've done it for as many years as I've been alive. But this year, that's going to change. If I've learned anything in 2020, it's that I need to STOP doubting myself because, in fact, I CAN do anything! If you're anything like what I described above, then...
2020: The Year We Never Could Have Prepared For I know many of us find ourselves having to be more flexible than ever this year, especially when it comes to our work-life balance and our children's education or childcare. As a teacher and a mom, I never would have expected the year to look like this. Teaching from home with no daycare in the spring brought a lot of challenges and our family had to find ways to quickly adjust and make it work, as did many of you I'm sure! Having the summer off was more than convenient this year given the circumstances. Now that we've rolled back into the school year, I've been teaching from home and I've...
It goes without saying- being a mom is hard. Being a working mom is hard. Being a stay-at-home mom is hard. Being a mom who works from home is hard. There is no debating any of this. Some women are born to have careers. It’s practically in their blood to rock high heels and a suit on a daily basis. Other women are made to be homemakers. They live and breathe taking care of their families and homes. In my opinion, both types of moms are heroes. As for me, I fall somewhere in the middle, which is why I’m a working mom even though I wish I weren’t. It’s not that I don’t like working. In fact, just the...
When the pandemic began, I remember people sending me well wishes, praising me for my sacrifice of being a healthcare worker. At times I found it undeserving, but the appreciation made my heart swell during those shifts that tested my limit. Commercials flooded my television screen mentioning how selfless we were, the nurses and doctors putting in long hours to keep a growing pandemic at bay. My, have things changed. Recently, it seems while viewing every avenue of media, I have found myself feeling frustrated and defeated. I have been called "sheep." I have been called "brainwashed." I have been told to "hop on your boxcar" to follow the rest. Just mere months ago I was a leader, a dedicated servant...

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