Disclosure EyePromise Screen Shield sponsored this post, but all thoughts and opinions are mine.
Does Increased Screen Time Affect Eyesight?
Whether we like it or not, children are getting more and more screen time, both at home and school, now that educational materials are digital. At school, children are given laptops and tablets to use to follow along with their teacher during classwork. In my experience, at least some teachers are administering assessments via the book publisher’s website instead of the traditional paper tests. And while at home, students are often required to complete assigned lessons through their teacher’s website.
Having educational resources readily accessible online is a great way to aid in learning, but it can also cause eye strain due...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Nur Medical Spa
A Visit to Nur Medical Spa :: What All Moms Need for Mother’s Day!
Hey mamas, let’s talk self care.
I’ve never even given this a thought; okay well I have. But it was more like “one day” instead of realizing how important it is to take care of yourself. Maybe it’s because I am always doing something or wanting to make sure everyone else’s needs around me are cared for. But I’m slowly realizing once you give give give, your tank will eventually get low and you won’t be able to give 110% anymore. Which will eventually result in you not being as happy as you are meant to be. And...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by SI-BONE.
Low Back Pain After Pregnancy? Check Your SI Joint.
Patients and doctors alike often overlook a fairly common source of lower back pain, especially in women who have had a baby: the sacroiliac joint, or SI joint for short.
You may be all too familiar with persistent lower back pain and you may feel it is somehow related to your pregnancy. You may have even read about pelvic girdle pain, also called postpartum pelvic girdle pain or PPGP. It’s a major health issue among women who have given birth.
The fact is, about 25% of women experience lower back pain after their pregnancy. A real frustration for many mothers.
What’s more startling? Nearly 5% of all pregnant...
Disclosure :: tasc Performance, a New Orleans based company, sponsored this review and shared some cool items. However, these are our own opinions and we think we will live in these clothes {because, Louisiana humidity} and have a running wish list for more items!
A “tasc” Anyone Can Rock!
Several of our friends have mentioned tasc Performance in the past few months; we’ve heard everything from “best underwear” to “most comfortable shirts” and “super breathable shorts.” So naturally, my husband and I really wanted to give this New Orleans based brand a trial run! It’s really rare that Tyler and I BOTH gush over one particular brand because we’re typically polar opposites when it comes to apparel. While I'm more about style, he...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by the Louisiana Art & Science Museum.
Studio Saturdays:: Having Fun at Louisiana Art & Science Museum
Louisiana Art & Science Museum has this awesome new exhibit: Picturing Vivian Maier A Street Photographer Revealed (January 23-May 22) This exhibit is so cool, Vivian Maier was a nanny with a knack for photography. So as she nannied in places like New York & Chicago, she carried her camera with her and “developed” quite the collection of candid photographs. In line with paying homage to Vivian & her craft, LASM is hosting Studio Saturdays, a new series of interactive workshops with a different theme each month. February's theme was Learning to Look and took the kids on a scavenger...