  It was the talk of every holiday get-together that year. Between the glittery attire and bourbon breaths, I could hear his name over and over again followed by a labored sigh or a mighty roll of the eye. The storied Les Miles had been fired earlier that year, and the interim coach was no longer interim – he had been hired by LSU. No one I encountered was happy about the decision; words like “embarrassing,” “humiliating,” “joke” were interwoven through the discussions. At times I felt the criticisms had less to do with his tenure at LSU or his overall resume. Conversations about Coach O were usually tinged with jabs at his accent, his overall demeanor, and his ability...
As I try to explain to you, my curly-haired two-year-old with a cinnamon crusted mouth and a quivering lip, the reason mommy and daddy need to watch ESPN's College Gameday and not another episode Mickey Mouse, my teacher training takes over. I attempt to explain. I attempt to compromise. I attempt to refocus. I attempt to re-explain. After a while, I see a teachable moment in this lazy morning that you surely don't see right now -- sometimes we can't always get what we want. And in that moment, I realize that there are many lessons to be learned through the storied history of LSU Football. I'll go ahead and write them down, because you're ten seconds from a...
As LSU Football season approaches, I felt that it was appropriate to share a little bit about my family’s unusual relationship with LSU. My mother has always been an avid football fan. She exudes a lot of passion while watching football on TV or in person, it truly does not matter the team, although she has her favorites. I have fond memories from my childhood of trying to fall asleep and hearing her scream for dear life at the TV and not because there was a murderer in the house. She not only supported the teams with such fervor, but also the band. Whether we were at local high school football game or a parade, she supported and cheered for...
Yay! LSU won the golden boot (that no one cares about)! And in typical LSU football superfan fashion, Matt knew it would be a close game. (Shout out, hubby!) I actually paid quite a bit of attention to the game considering we were home to watch it, so I feel pretty well-informed on this one. I usually have a hard time focusing when I’m home, because I start to see things that need to be done if I sit in one place too long. Before you know it, I’m sorting 5 years worth of pictures or clipping my kids’ fingernails. We had family over which has a way of keeping my urge to putz in check. Not to mention,...
I prefer to find the good in every experience, so I will start with what I loved about last Saturday. Our game day shenanigans began at 11:30am with my superfan husband, Matt and I attempting to pick up my 21 year old brother and our two cousins at his apartment off of Brightside. By the time we painstakingly made our way down Lee and over that railroad track at Nicholson (after my husband almost lost his mind because the driver in front of us was too busy kissing her dog to notice the green light), we were informed that my brother’s friends were headed to his place to park and then walk to the game because there was no...

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