Toys. Toys ending up everywhere and me nagging the kids to clean it up, and me needing to supervise the entire process to ensure they didn’t get distracted and me losing my cool because toys EVERYWHERE. And repeat. Day in, day out.
If you have little kids, I know you know what I am talking about. The toy clutter in every nook and cranny possible is enough to make anyone’s chest feel tight. And so day in and day out, my kids would witness a full blown mom tantrum brought on by the sight of toys everywhere.
We didn’t need a better organization system because if you know me, you know that organization is my jam, and the playroom has a...
Remember when we didn’t want to grow up because if we did, we couldn’t be a ToysRus® kid? Well, Total Wine is the TOTAL fix for that. If you know anything about Louisiana, you know we love our libations. The only thing better than finding your favorite spirits in the local grocery store is a SPIRIT MALL! Yes, I said it. Total Wine is the Grown Up ToysRus®, the Happy Hour Mall. And wait, you don’t even have to schedule your trip around your kids because Total Wine totally has curbside pickup. Don’t let the name fool you, Total Wine totally has everything. Think cheese, hard liquor, snacks, mixers, you name it!
I will also admit that upon entry of...
If I had a dollar for every time a friend or family member told me they would start a big project soon … I’d be able to get CC’s twice a day. Think about how many times you or someone you know says the following:
I’m starting a new diet on Monday.
I need an entire day to clean my house because it’s gotten so out of hand.
I think I’m going to sign up for the gym next month.
I have an idea for a podcast that I’m going to start soon.
I spent a ton of money this weekend, but I’m going to eat at home and bring a lunch to work every single day next week.
Full-coverage, demi, sports, balconette, deep plunge, push-up, bralette ... Love them or hate them, bras are a wardrobe staple. Bras are foundational pieces in many senses, yet so many women despise them. We're doing ourselves a disservice when we spend a lot on fabulous clothes and then pair them with a less than fabulously fitting bra. I’m here to give you a little something to think about and help the humble bra earn a little more respect.
A long time ago, in what feels like another life, I worked as a fitter in a bra store. It was actually a pretty rewarding, fun job and I learned a lot!
Bras are sized by a number and a letter, the number is...
Slumps. Buzz kill, right? I was stuck in a slump with my fitness routine and really lacked motivation to continue exercising. You know how at the beginning of the year when you buy a new pair of shoes to motivate you to join the gym? That’s how this transformation project was for me, and because I am motivated by aesthetically pleasing spaces, completing this project has seriously ignited my fire again. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had a space to workout, but now I actually have a cute and functional home gym I am proud of.
I won’t carry on any longer because I know you clicked on this post to get helpful tips, not read me ramble about...