I hate being late! My oldest started PK4 in public school this year and getting her to school on time is mandatory, but it is also a fight. Getting out of the house on time every morning is probably one of the hardest things I do all day. I was running around like a psycho screaming for everyone to get dressed, put their socks on, find matching shoes and get them on the correct foot. By the time I was finally buckling my own seatbelt, I felt defeated and knew this was no way to start our day. So, I started searching for ideas to get out of the house earlier. #1 Wake up 15-30 minutes earlier than the rest of...
How does one get in the fall spirit when the average degree across North America is 95°? I am not sure when the temps will allow us to pull out those cozy sweaters and bundle up around a bonfire but in the meantime, one of my favorite ways get in any season/holiday spirit is styling my tiered tray. Mine just got all dressed up for fall and I can’t wait to share it with you! Disclaimer: I do not claim to know what I’m doing! I just love home decor and decorating and all that that entails. These tiered trays popped up on my Pinterest when I was looking for home decor ideas last Christmas. I instantly fell in love with the...
I am that mom! The mom that will take my kids to a photographer once or twice a year; the mom that will snap a millions pictures when my kids have anything with slight importance. Lost a tooth: PICTURE. Learned to sing a song: Video. Ate your first piece of broccoli: Picture. I know that I probably sound a little crazy or slightly overbearing, but bear with me for a second and hear me out. Today I am 31 years old and in the thirty one years I have been on this planet I have lost my mother, father, brother, favorite aunt, best friend and countless other friends and relatives. I am not looking for sympathy, but I tell you...
If you’re a Baton Rouge mom looking for great book recommendations, we have you covered. Whether you are taking a quick road trip with kids from Baton Rouge or headed to a nearby beach for just a day, many of us love to bring a good book in our bag. Whether it’s the one book you should stop what you’re doing to read, or a list of the best beach books we’ve devoured recently … we love to talk literature! And psssst. Most of our book recommendations are affiliate links. My Summer Was Lit :: 3 Books I Couldn't Put Down I have been obsessed with reading since before I can remember. Whenever I was a young girl, my grandmother loved to remark that...
A few years ago, I was scrolling through social media when I ran across this video of  mom Tiffany Jenkins. She was talking about how her kid had stuck something up his nose & they were having a hard time retrieving the object. As she was loading the kid up for a trip to the ER, she received some advice from a former ER nurse. I laughed my way through the video because Tiffany is hilarious, but also because I was so glad I'd never had a kid that enjoyed torturing me in such ways. Fast forward two weeks. The kids are all in bed, the husband and I are sitting on the couch when the eldest comes wandering out...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...