
Health + Wellness

health + wellness in Baton RougeAsk any Baton Rouge mom what she wants for her children, and health + wellness will be one of her first responses. Whether it’s the mental health of her teenagers, how much screen time to allow her toddlers or struggling with breastfeeding, moms simply want the best outcome for their children’s overall health.

Red Stick Mom provides local families with the latest resources, perspectives and expert advice about the important choices affecting the health + wellness of your Baton Rouge family.

Parents already have a lot of decisions to make! Finding consistent and reliable resources for raising a family in Baton Rouge shouldn’t be overwhelming, especially when it comes to the family’s health + wellness. There are so many issues to consider for kids these days, from children’s mental well-being to food dyes and whether those matter to vaccines and when to get them. And that’s not even taking mom and dad’s health into account!

Enduring a long NICU stay? We’ve been there. Looking for a great urgent care for children in Baton Rouge? Red Stick Mom has suggestions. We’ve talked about taking mental health days for kids, how to battle pesky molluscum, and arthritis in children. These are just a few of the health + wellness questions we’ve addressed on Red Stick Mom over the nine years we’ve served the community.

We’ve covered many different aspects of health + wellness over the years, from a scary breast cancer diagnosis to the benefit of chiropractic care during pregnancy to miscarriages and pregnancy loss. Whether we’re discussing birth or adolescence, Red Stick Mom strives to provide relevant health + wellness content for Baton Rouge families in a timely fashion. Best of all, every resource on Red Stick Mom is free to readers.

With the help of more than 25 Baton Rouge moms, Red Stick Mom makes it easy to locate important and accurate health + wellness information for busy families.

Initially, it was part of the plan, we would wait a while before having children. We wanted to experience life as a couple before we experienced it as a  family of more than two. We waited. We worked on being married, our careers, on feeling stable and settled. We decided we were ready. It was all part of the plan until it didn’t go as planned.  Ready...or Not I was one of those people who went to my OB/GYN and had a preconception appointment; I wanted to do it right. I joined one of those online communities for pregnancy and trying to conceive. Have fun, they say, don’t stress about it, it will happen, but it didn’t happen. At first, it...
My best friend Katelyn and I have been discussing Twilight for a couple months now. Twilight was THE teenage romance series, while we were in middle school and high school. It is also a perfect example of emotional abuse, which, by the way, sets a great stage for physical abuse. Wind Goodfriend Ph.D. does a great job of naming a few of the thousands of examples of abuse Edward displays: He stalks Bella He encourages Bella to have as little interaction as possible from anyone outside his family He preys on her low self esteem He damages her vehicle so she can’t get away Before you go on assuming he was doing this to protect Bella, I just want to point...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Ochsner Baton Rouge.  Pediatrician, Urgent Care or Emergency Room? When a child is sick, all you want is to make them feel better as soon as possible, but you may not know what to do. Should you take your child to the emergency room, urgent care or to see your pediatrician? Here are a few pointers to consider when deciding on where your child should seek care. Pediatrician Your child’s pediatrician should be your first choice for care because they are familiar with the child’s medical history. Pediatricians, like those at Ochsner Health, offer comprehensive and continuous care throughout a child’s early years and adolescence. Visit your child’s pediatrician for the following: Well-infant checks, physicals or...
On days like these, I get mad at simple things like a spoon dropping at the dinner table after I sweep. Why am I this way? One single room in my house is messy and I feel as though the entire house is destroyed, ruined. Why am I this way? Another day went by that I did not get to mop the floors and I can feel my body become tenser and angrier. Why am I this way? The laundry basket just got another clean load added to it. I don’t have time to fold them right now and I can’t stop thinking about it- it consumes my mind. Why am I this way? I worry incessantly about a single simple comment made...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Ochsner Baton Rouge.  What Are the Signs of Autism in Toddlers? When you have a toddler, every day is a learning experience – for your little one and for you as the parent. You watch them grow, develop and experience the world around them for the first time. But what happens when you start to notice signs that your child may not be developing the same as other kids the same age? There may be specific signals to watch for that could indicate your child has autism spectrum disorder. Signs of this disorder are grouped into two categories: social communication skills and behavioral differences, also known as repetitive and restricted behavior. Here are some behaviors...

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