It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for everyone but moms. I take that back. It is a wonderful time for us moms, but it comes at a cost, like all of our time and money. Every year is a constant struggle between the creative side of my brain that wants to do all of the adorably magical Christmas things and the practical side of my brain that is saying “WTF!?!” on a 24-hour loop. This year, though, I am determined to find a balance between the two. And lucky for you, I’m here to tell you how we are going to do it. Find something that you can skip this year. I have always said that I’ll never...
While I look forward to seeing family during the holidays, it also reminds me to set boundaries. We spend time with so many different family members in different places during the holidays that I need those boundaries to stay healthy. Be an advocate for your child When family members want to do something that I know is going to send one of my kids into a tailspin, I've learned to just tell them no. We let our kids stay up later on trips and on breaks, but when they have had too many short nights, I can tell that a meltdown is about to happen. I just tell grandparents, cousins, or whoever else is there, "We love you! It's their...
Oh, Christmas time! My favorite time of the year is hands down Christmas. All the beautiful Christmas decorations, lights, seeing family & friends and so much more. But the magic of Santa is the best, especially now that I am a mother to a curious 2-year-old. She now recognizes Santa in pictures from the last two Christmases and is now starting to point him out in stores as the shelves are starting to be filled with the holly jolly man named Santa Claus. But one thing I notice now that I am a mother, I see Black Santas. And when I do, I scream with excitement. Why? Because growing up, I always thought Santa was a Black Man just like the...
As I crawl out of bed I spy my little one lost in a dream. A typical Christmas morning to follow it would seem. Reflections of Christmas lights dance across his face. To search for toys from Santa soon he will race. Visits from loved ones will bring joy throughout the day. Cookies and candies will be his favorite part I would say. Laughter and joy echo as everyone gathers around. But someone will be missing, it's me that won't be found. I wipe away a tear as I say goodbye. Yes, after years in healthcare, leaving on holidays still makes me cry. As I drive in the dark I place myself with the Lord. I must remember some children won't be home a Christmas more. Upon entering the doors you...
It's early November. I am sitting in my son's room watching him play with his baby sister. She’s 10 months old and doesn’t take crap from him. She plays with his trucks, superhero figures and whatever else she can get her hands on. I’ve just begun thinking (and researching) what we will put on their Christmas lists. The Usual... These kids are pretty lucky. They do not need toys, so for birthdays, Christmas and any other special occasion (potty training, baptisms, etc.), we tell family (when asked) they can give money for the kids' college funds or gift cards to Baby Gap, Old Navy, Carter's and Target. I keep an Amazon wish list for the kids if anyone wants to purchase...

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Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his...